St. John Lutheran Church
Libertyville, Illinois
Client Website
Manual Compass
Pedal Compass
The organ project at St. John's was done in conjunction with an acoustical renovation of the sanctuary. The majority of the Great organ is placed in the center of the balcony, while the Swell is in an expression chamber to the left of the case. This is an improvement on the old organ, which was entirely in chambers with no pipes in the balcony. Select ranks of the previous instrument were restored for this project
16' Gedecktbass
8' Principal
8' Hohlflote
8' Viole
8' Bourdon
4' Octave
4' Koppelflote
2' Fifteenth
IV Mixture 1 1/3' (draws 2')
16' Posaune
8' Trumpet
4' Clairon
61 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
(Sw) --
61 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
183 pipes
61 pipes
(ext. 16') 12 pipes
(ext. 16') 12 pipes
SWELL (enclosed)
16' Contra Viole
8' Flute Harmonique
8' Viole
8' Viole Celeste
4' Geigen Principal
4' Rohrflote
2 2/3' Nasat
2' Gemshorn
1 3/5' Terz
16' Fagott
8' Oboe
(tc) --
61 pipes
61 pipes
(tc) 49 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
(ext. 16') 12 pipes
32' Resultant
16' Subbass
16' Gedecktbass
8' Principal
8' Bourdon
8' Hohlflote
8' Viole
4' Choralbass
4' Flute
16' Posaune
8' Trompete
4' Clairon
32 pipes
(Gt) --
32 pipes
(ext. 16') 12 pipes
(Gt) --
(Sw) --
(ext. 8') 12 pipes
(ext. 16') 12 pipes
(Gt) --
(Gt) --
(Gt) --